About GVS India

About the Organizaon
Grameen Vikas Sansthan is a Not-profit Voluntary Organization established in 1989
in the eastern Uttar Pradesh by a group of social activist after brainstorming and need
assessment of the eastern up district where the community people were deprived from all
type of development indicators.
Our Current social development portfolio emphasizes on Empowering the community
through people participation by developing community based organization of women the
major beneficiaries as well as the agent of social change, we are covering the Women and
children from deprived community through Women empowerment, Health( reproductive
&maternal health), Literacy, and livelihood. Presently organization is working in 3 district of
eastern UP(Mau, azamgarh & Ghazipur) on the issue of Women empowerment, livelihood,
Health , Education, Gender and Sexuality, HIV/AIDS ,literacy and other community work.
Vision-A society free from all type of deprivation, injustice and discrimination.
Mission- Strengthening the capacities of the target community through organizing,
educating & capacity building in a manner that ,they will be able to address the issues
related to deprivation, injustice and discrimination by their own in sustainable manner.
General Information
Organization’s Name Grameen Vikas Sansthan
Registered Address Village& Post Hathini-District-Mau,UP
Phone & Fax 09415281073,05472287058
Contact Persons Mr. Shameem Abbasi
General Secretary
Project Offices Grameen Vikas Sansthan
Rajdepur Railway Xing ,
Grameen Vikas Sansthan
In front of Sate bank Of India
Phulpur-Azamgarh 276304
Grameen Vikas Sansthan
Bahadurganj Bypass

Society Registration Details Registered under societies Registration Act, 21,
No. 713/89-90 Dated 17-07-1989
80G Registered
Income Tax Registration Details Registered under Income Tax Act – 12A
No. 726 Dated 23-01-2002
FCRA Registration Details Registered under FCRA 1976
No. 136250015 Dated 18-05-1993
PAN No PAN No. – AAAA G2167 M
Organisation Email
Organisation Website www.gvsindia.org.in
 Enabling sustainability
 Ensuring the Community Based Organisation (CBOs) to ensure the community
 Linkages and liaison
 Faith and encouragement in integrated community based development through
Capacity Building.
 Engaging with local governance and other stakeholders
Theory of change
 We at GVS believe that capacity building of target is a very essential inputs to
ensure the sustainability and community ownership.
 We at GVS believe that if an integrated development with a rights-based
perspective is promoted by creating active children, youth and women
groups to identify, prioritize, and analyze their issues and take initiative at
the grassroots levels, then a sustained, insclusive and holistically developed
society, with gender equality and upliftment of the rights of women, youth
and children, will be developed.
Our Thematic Areas
 Integrated child development with focus on early child care and education.
 Health and nutrition with Focus on HIV and AIDS ·
 Gender & governance through empowerment
 Literacy and Education
Our target Groups

Our Current Intervention

Adolescents rights and empowerment program is a joint initiative of Breakthrough and
Grameen Vikas Sansthan in
Ghazipur district. The Program is
aimed to empower 22000
Adolescents girls and Boys to
ensure the gender equity in
health, education and skills in
their homes and community, for
self and others. The Program is
mainly working on two major
objectives, which are given below
 Decrease in incidence of
early marriage and
gender based violence among adolescents girls at physical, mental and sexual at
family and society level
 Proportion of adolescent girls who avail and enjoy improved individual welfare in
term of education, health care, employment.
This Program is being implemented in 80 Gram Panchayats of 3 Blocks of the Ghazipur
district of eastern uttar Pradesh. The Program is being implemented through adopting the
following model of intervention.

Adolescents Rights and Empowerment Program-Ghazipur
Community Level Activities
 Community Mobilization with Nari Sangh
in existing CBO through Hyper Local
Campaign .
 Formation of Kishori Sangh
 Implementation of “Taron Ki Toli
“ among kishori Sangh.
 Video Van and Theater of oppressed in
 Inter-Generational Dialogue with CBO
and Community girls.
 Regular Interaction and Follow-up with
School Level Activities
 Theater of Oppressed in
 Implementation of “Taron
ki Toli” Module among
school going adolescents.
 Kishori Mela in School.
 Teachers Training

Project Description
Our Girls -Our Pride program is being implementing in the 50 Villages of Most backwards block
of Ratanpura In Mau District of Uttar Pradesh. The Project is aimed to address the adolescents
cantered issue through empowering them in the shape of the strong groups and to build their
capacity such a way that they could be able to address the issues and take the initiative towards
adolescents rights and empowerment. The Project is addressing the challenges with
adolescents at all the 3 levels. as its well known that At home they face the problem of
Compromised sexual and reproductive health, domestic violence, early marriage, Lack of
mobility, and son preferring attitude by the family and community members. Behind these
challenges the role of parents is very crucial. So the Project has formed the Adolescents Groups,
The Project is organizing their capacity building sessions, Promotion of Inter-generation
dialogue to enable the environment for the girls. To address the problems of poor
infrastructure ,poor sexual education as well as low focus on health and hygiene , project is
organizing the advocacy level events with the block and district level stakeholders. To ensure
the girl’s Agency the Project is focusing to ensure the girls mobility, through involving them in
skill development initiatives to get rid of poverty and risk of exploitation and trafficking which
is double burden on them.
Focussed Strategies
We as agent of social change have centralized the adolescents’ empowerment initiative
through the following,
 Promoting Girls agency and mobility
 Staying at School
 Addressing gender based violence
 Delaying marriage and pregnancy
 Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health
 Working with men and Boys and Promoting inter- gender Dialogue.
 Promoting Inter Generational Dialogue.
 Increasing income generation Potential.

Our Girls -Our Pride Project -Mau
The Coverage

Promoting quality learning in schools for all children, especially girls, in middle and secondary schooling -Azamgarh5297 Community Level
Adolescents Girls of 100
Adolescents Groups
568 Adolescents leaders
from 50 Gram Panchayats
147 Girls From poor
Community have been
supported through Vocational
230 SMC Members
332 PRI Member190
Health Stakeholders have been

HIV Rapid Test Program- Outreach and Care & Support
Activities and Strategies
Outreach ,Behavior Change Communication and Screening
 Grameen Vikas Sansthan is implementing the Free HIV Testing Program at all testing sites
in Mau and Azamgarh District in eastern uttar Pradesh.
 The Organisation Counselor and Community Motivator regularly visiting the selected
household and counselling them to prepare for the HIV testing.
 The Project is Conducting the onsite pre-test counselling, free Rapid HIV testing and
referral services by following the standard protocols of the Grameen Vikas Sansthan and
 All newly identified HIV positives are being reconfirmed through a second screening test
with alternate test kit using different technique/methodology.
Care & Support and Follow-up
 All positive clients are being connected to ICTC/ART services which are easily available
in the district.
 The Project is ensuring all newly identified positives are followed up till they are initiated
on ART.
 These reacted people are being regularly counselled and followed up.
 In the addition to the above ,the awareness generation programs is also being conducted
among the target population on general health, hygiene, behaviour change
communication for prevention and HIV/AIDS services.
 Women of low-income become proficient in tailoring.
 Women use their tailoring skills to become economically independent and build
sustainable livelihoods that will provide positive impact on their children and
extended families.
 Women gain confidence by deciding to leave their homes and take action to
positively change their future.

a total no of 5764 equine animal in Ghazipur in 16 blocks
 During the baseline and situational analysis ,6 community meetings have been
organised to understand the issues of livelihood and equine care and support among
equines community.

Our Journey of development
Grameen Vikas Sansthan has covered 3 district
21 blocks ,67047Adolescnets girls ,40058Households ,91565women and 17564
Children ,322 school During the last 5year intervention
Our valuable Donors
 Tata Trusts
 Plan India
 Azmi Premji Philanthropic
initiative (APPI)
 Breakthrough
 AHF India
 The Brooke India
 USHA International
Our Current
Intervention areas
 Mau
 Ghazipur
 Azamgarh
Districts of Uttar Pradesh
Structure and governance
Grameen Vikas sansthan is governed by an and executive board and general
body. The member are form renowned and activist sector. The general body
has 37 and governing board has 9 members. The regularly meet and provide
their most precious feedbacks and inputs.
Human Resource
GVS has a team of 37 most vibrant and dedicated staff and having good
rapport with the community.
Committees and policies
GVS has constituted different committees and formed the policies for
management of the organization. These committees help the organization to
smooth functioning of the organization. The following committees and policy
has been adopted by the GVS,
 Child protection policy
 Gender policy
 Committee against sexual harassment at workplace
 Human resource and financial management manuals.
 HIV Policy