Past Intervention
Our Past Interventions
Community health programme (CHP) GrameenVikassansthan is working on the issue of maternal health in the Ghazipur district of eastern uttar Pradesh through an intensive intervention n a m e d
c o m m u n i t y Health Program (CHP). The CHP Program area is known as most deprived sector o f t h e S t a t e . M i g r a t i o n pattern is in high m o d e i n t h e
areas. Women are working in the MNREGA schemes and earning money to streamline their family requirement. In the area women are traditionally discriminated against and excluded from family related decisions and other social- political issues. Despite the large amount of work, women must do on daily basis to support their families, their opinions are rarely acknowledged and their rights are not recognized.
The Health indicator which is a very important indicator of development is very poor. Due to low literacy level ,the health awareness among the community is very poor.
With the support of Tata Trusts CHP Program with special emphasis on changing health behavior towards mother and child is continued in 2 blocks of Ghazipur district. The primary aim of this program is to change the behavior among communities for improved maternal and newborn health. The main strategy of the program is to ensure the outreach among community with the knowledge building tools regarding maternal health and referral to the existing health facilities. The Outreach workers of the program have conducted regular home visits to counsel and advise the pregnant women and their family members.The small group meetings have also been conducted in the program in structured way to cover the
100% pregnant women. The key topics discussed in the intervention are as follows,
ANC registration.
Nutritional intake.
Govt. Services for ANC, Adolescents and Newborns.
Child, ANC and Adolescents immunization.
Prevention of Common and seasonal infections.
PPTCT Programme
To reduce HIV infection among Women, adolescent girls and Children through awareness, increased community involvement and increasing the uptake of services on PPTCT, care, support and treatment The PPTCT Program is being implemented in mau district of eastern uttar Pradesh. The project is covering the entire district to achive the following objectives
To sensitize the community members on HIV/AIDS and enhance the knowledge of the community, infected/affected/vulnerable children and women on the services on HIV/AIDS
To create enabling environment free of stigma and discrimination in health care settings as well in the community where positive women receive services.
To facilitate appropriate treatment, care and support for women living with HIV their children and families
To empower children and adolescents on sexual and reproductive issues and STIs including HIV/AIDS.
To advocate with the National and State governments for enhancing the quality of PPTCT services.
To ensure the above objectives project is implementing the following activities,
Outreach among Pregnant women and their Spouses through One to One sessions.
Organizing public meeting, gathering and awareness generation programs at Public spaces like railway station, bus stands, Hospitals and religious place to promote awareness about HIV and AIDS issues.
Community Awareness programs including trainings for community members on HIV related issues.
Small Community Orientation meetings
Orientation with PLHIV on the issue of Home Based care and pre-caution.
Meetings with Panchayati Raj institution functionaries where the
Discrimination incidents reported
Sensitization Programme for Adolescence on Life Skill Educations and
Adolescents health Programme
One to one and one to group counseling
Childeren affected by AIDS(CABA, Projrct)
Based on the experience of past few years there is felt need of focusing on reducing the vulnerability of children and adolescents between the age group of 6-18 by enhancing the Quality Of Life (QOL) CABA and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) through education, skill development, health care and nutrition. So To reduce the vulnerability and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS and improve the Quality of Life (QOL) of Children affected by HIV/AIDS and other Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) with the support of PLAN international.
In the context of HIV vulnerability, CABA is considered as one of the Most at Risk Adolescents (MARA). The classified MARA includes CABA, Children of Female Sex Workers, Children trafficked and vulnerable to trafficking, young IDUs, young MSMs, children of IDUs, children who are on labour Orphans and vulnerable children and Street & working children. The Project was conceptualized to cover the following goal and objectives.
Project Objectives:
To decrease morbidity and mortality of CABA and other OVCs through provision of services on education, health care, skill building and nutrition
To mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS amongst CABA and OVCs
To strengthen community and local mechanism, create local coordination systems and advocate for seamless linkages with entitlements and services at district and state level
To empower children and adolescents on sexual and reproductive issues and STIs including HIV/AIDS
Major Activities
Nutrition Support to CABA Children
School enrolment support for CABA Children
School Orientation Program among adolescents
Skill Building program for the children affected by AIDS
Promotion of Kitchen Garden plantation among Community Girls
Life Skill Education Program among HIV affected Children.
Training and Sensitization of School teachers
Empowering Rural Women (ERW)
Empowering Rural Women (ERW) is A Program for women empowerment through Collectivizing and mobilizing and capacity building of women to bring them in mainstream to ensure the local self Governance with the support of tata Trust. Empowerment of women is essentially the process of development of economic, social and political status of women, the traditionally
underprivileged ones, in the society. It involves the building up of a society
wherein in women can breathe without the fear of oppression, exploitation, apprehension, discrimination and the general feeling of persecution which goes with being a woman in a traditionally male dominated structure. Empowering Rural Women-ERW is a long-term strategy. This program is focused on creating, supporting and strengthening women CBOs with rights- based approach as well as with incremental approach at different levels.
The major planks of the project rested on formation of women’s CBOs called “NARI SANGH” and strengthening them through information dissemination and training initiatives to gain access to government sponsored schemes especially MNREGA, the most effective anti poverty program designed in recent year, activate the GPs to intervene more in the scheme of things like Gram sabha meetings and its regularization, Jan Sunwai, publicizing govt.
Sponsored schemes, preparing accurate BPL List. The key activities of the Project is as follows,
Collectivization and mobilization of women in form of CBO on the issues of right to work, right to food and right to health; and leadership development among them through capacity building inputs.
Federating MahilaSangathans in GP level NariSangh.
Training of CBO leaders on human rights framework, gender & social analysis and Domestic violence.
Training of CBO leaders on strategies & approaches to community mobilization and women leadership development.
Training of CBO leaders on NREGA, MNREGA perspective planning,PRI Act and RTI Act.
Facilitation of NariSanghs for their active participation in open Gram Sabha meetings and putting and discussing the agenda of NREGA , PDS and other relevant issues.
Advocacy by CBOs with block administration on issues of Gram
Stitch Your Future Project
Stitch your future project is a Program for vocational training and skill development among rural women of Ghazipur and mau supported by Australian High Commission and co-partnered with satygyaan foundation.
The main objective of the Stitch your Future project is to directly help raise the
standard of living of 330 women from Mau, Ghazipur& Varanasi district surrounding area. The project objective is to see 330 women graduate from a six month basic tailoring training course. As a result of the training the following objectives is to be met:
1) Women of low-income become proficient in tailoring.
2) Women use their tailoring skills to become economically independent and build sustainable livelihoods that will provide positive impact on their children and extended families.
3) Women gain confidence by deciding to leave their homes and take action to positively change their future.
4) Women gain opportunity to access WLC’s library and other services.
Organizaon’s Past successful Intervenons
Project Title | Funding Agency | Duration |
Awareness on HIV/AIDS | BBC Worl d Service Trust, UK | 10 Months i n 2000-01 |
Rural Sanitation Program | CAPART Ministry of Rural D evelopment, Govt. of Indi a | 1 Year IN 1997-98 |
Communal Harmony P rog. | HIMOS, The Netherlands | 2 Years during 2000-01 |
Capacity building of elected women representatives | UNDP and Mi nistry of Panchayati R aj, Govt. of India through SSK, Lucknow. | 2 Years |
Lok Shakti Program | PANI, F aizabad/ DFID, UK | 4 Years |
Birth Registration and Female feticide (Kopal Project) Link worker scheme(LWS) | Vatsalya/Pl an International NACO/UNDP | 3 Years 5 Years |
Sir Dorabji tata Trust
Our alliances& Donors
World Literacy Of Canada
Plan India-New Delhi
Rajeev Gandhi Foundation(RGF)
IKEA Foundation
Indian Social Responsibility
Association of Voluntary Agencies for
Rural Development (AVARD)-New Delhi,
Voluntary Action Network of India (VANI)- New Delhi,
Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)- New Delhi,
Uttar Pradesh Voluntary Action Network
Supporting Association for Thematic and H o l i s t i c I n i t i a t i v e s ( S AT H I – U P ) – Faizabad, UP.