Women Swawlamban
The GVS-USHA Swawlamban Silai Schools are grassroots projects designed to empower rural women from
marginalized communities by enabling them to become entrepreneurs through sewing and establishing sewing
schools. This initiative promotes gender equality and aims to secure women’s financial independence and
autonomy. Grameen Vikas Sansthan has established Silai Schools in remote rural areas like Ghazipur,
Gorakhpur, Mau, Varanasi,Azamgarh, and Jaunpur, engaging village women to join these initiatives. Expert
trainers from USHA provide comprehensive training on stitching techniques, sewing machine maintenance, and
repair. Upon completion, women receive a Usha Sewing machine, certification, training kit, and signage board
for their Silai School. The training empowers women not only to master sewing but also to become instructors
themselves, equipped with skills in business setup and embroidery. These entrepreneurs, equipped with free
Course Kits, have initiated their businesses and fostered a network of self-reliant women by organizing training
sessions for others.Grameen Vikas sansthan is helping to operate total 468 Centre across the state